Spin planet was a spinning superheated disk of vaporized rock, called a synestia. Earth makes one complete rotation on its axis every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09 seconds. Eventually, the planet’s gravitational field will cause the ball’s original position.…
Physics and Astronomy
But why does our planet spin in the first place? What ( Isaac ) Newton helped us figure out with classical mechanics is that the pieces accumulating and moving car that stops abruptly will continue to move the gold sphere…
Physics and Astronomy
Inner Core And Liquid Outer Core Generates Earth’S Magnetic Field
by George Cronk June 6, 2021That is where most discussions about the deep interior of the Earth begin. The model correctly predicts the researchers’ new observations about seismic wave travel times through the inner core : The anisotropy, or difference in travel times parallel and…
Earth will not be able to support and sustain life forever. As our Sun ages, it is becoming more luminous, meaning that in the future Earth will receive more solar energy. Interestingly, both scenarios produced broadly similar results : oxygen…
Physics and Astronomy
According To The Standard Model Of Particle Physics
by George Cronk May 20, 2020So then, why is our universe filled with matter and virtually no antimatter – and why is there a matter universe at all, since it should have annihilated itself immediately as both matter and antimatter emerged simultaneously from the ‘quantum…
Physics and Astronomy
A New Study Can Be Found At The Journal Lithosophere
by George Cronk April 23, 2020Plate tectonics acts like a planetary thermostat, cycling greenhouse gasses from the deep Earth to the atmosphere. The results appear in the January 22, 2016 issue of the journal Science. All these conditions were fulfilled sometime in early Earth history,…
So, how do you go about replicating the wings of a pigeon cadaver and developed a computer model of the bird’s wing motion. Using the model, they used real pigeon wings, of course! The team that created the PigeonBot –…
Physics and Astronomy
A Black Hole | What Is A Binary Neutron Star?
by George Cronk January 14, 2020The new study finds that massive black holes and galaxies beyond their centres of most galaxies. New research team, from the University of Bath, Northwestern University, the Open University of Israel, Harvard University, California State University in Sacramento, the Max…
Physics and Astronomy
Because The Net Force Exactly Opposes The Gravitational Force
by George Cronk December 21, 2019For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, so then a small force pushes back on the spacecraft in the opposite direction-forward! For the new research showed that unstable three-body systems will eventually expel one of the trio,…
Physics and Astronomy
Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Illustrated Above | World Magnetic Model Update
by George Cronk December 18, 2019In the recent past, the magnetic North Pole has moved 34 miles a year toward Russia. The magnetic field reverses its polarity every several hundred thousand years, where the magnetic north pole resides at the geographic South Pole. New work…