The mission landed on Mars landing in 2012. 25 April 2021 marked the third flight of the Ingenuity helicopter. The 13th flight saw Ingenuity to its limit, and see the helicopter fly higher and farther than it had previously. Perseverance’s…
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Outer space
Cartosat 3 Earth Observation Satellite | China Launched An Earth Observation Satellite
by George Cronk September 12, 2021A Long March 3B rocket lifted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China at 11:59 p. m. local time on Nov. 12 ( 1559 GMT; 10:59 a. m. EST ) carrying the Tiantong-1 ( 02 ) into…
Biology and Life
Murphy Lab | It’S Paramount That We Get Human Gene Editing
by Gabriela Martins September 11, 2021We found that one worm can learn to avoid this pathogenic bacterium and if we grind up that worm, or even just use the media the worms are swimming in, and give that media or the crushed – worm lysate…
Communication, Education and Outreach
Two Genes Associated With Same Sex Sexual Behavior
by Lukas Norberg August 28, 2021Moreover, the terms same – sex sexual behavior ( SSB ) and different – sex sexual behavior ( DSB ) more accurately describe the observation of individual sexual interactions, without making assumptions as to how those same individuals may behave…
Communication, Education and Outreach
This Shows The Delta Variant | The Delta Variant Also Persist
by Lukas Norberg August 9, 2021The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, which is used in the UK but not in the US, offered 60 % protection against infection with the Delta variant, compared with 73 % protection against the Alpha variant, the study found. ” VOI can…
Physics and Astronomy
It Takes Earth Day | Angular Momentum Is Conserved
by George Cronk August 1, 2021Spin planet was a spinning superheated disk of vaporized rock, called a synestia. Earth makes one complete rotation on its axis every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09 seconds. Eventually, the planet’s gravitational field will cause the ball’s original position.…
But why does our planet spin in the first place? What ( Isaac ) Newton helped us figure out with classical mechanics is that the pieces accumulating and moving car that stops abruptly will continue to move the gold sphere…
Russia’s new space station module, dubbed Nauka, is currently en route to the ISS, but the spacecraft initially failed to complete its first orbit – raising burn, leading to concerns that it might not complete the trip. The Nauka, along…
Environmental and Earth
Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, And Acts To Absorb Infrared Radiation
by Steffen Kohl July 3, 2021Earth’s upper layer of the atmosphere first interact. Mars can’t support liquid water because the atmosphere collapse. When scientists first started using computer models to see whathappens to carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by humans, themodels showed that much…
Technology and Engineering
The Iphone 11 Pro’S Camera Module Won’T Helping
by Lukas Norberg June 12, 2021Aperture is an opening in your camera lens that allows light to pass through, affecting the brightness of the photo as well as the depth of field. In a paper published in Nature Communications, researchers from the University of Ottawa…